Exchange 2010

The Importance of Upgrading from Exchange 2010 Servers for Enhanced Security
In today's digital landscape, where cyber threats are constantly evolving, it is crucial for organizations to prioritize the security of their systems and data. One area that often goes overlooked is the continued use of Exchange 2010 servers, which can pose...

Exchange 2016:- X-OWA-Error Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.AccountDisabledException
Provisioning accounts in Active Directory and Exchange is not a new task for Admins. However when you provision something and it does not want to work is where the troubleshooting starts. You may have come across an error like the following: The error itself is a bit...

Exchange 2010:- Journal email stuck in Submission queue
In my Exchange 2010 lab, I came across a handful of messages in the submission queue. All of them were for accepted and declined meeting invites and nothing else and all of them for journaling only. Here is the error that was in the queue viewer: Last Error: 400 4.4.7...

Exchange 2016:- Updating from old CU’s to the latest one pointers
With the latest set of attacks on Exchange, many admins are scrambling to update their Exchange servers. If you coming from a CU that lower than CU13, you need to take note of the requirements before attempting the upgrade: Install .NET 4.8 on your Exchange 2016...

Active Directory ZeroLogon Exploit
A few months ago a zerologon exploit was released and this exploit was able to do damage to an Active Directory environment. Microsoft released a patch in the next set of updates and in a 2x part video, we show you how an unpatched system is compromised vs a patched...

Quickly remove a mailbox server in Exchange
As the process begins in removing Exchange 2010 from an environment, you might run into an issue where the server has Offline Address Books on it even though everything else has been moved off. The error you see below is quickly resolved by moving the Offline Address...

Exchange/Active Directory – all versions: Why you should have strong passwords.
Weak passwords is a common mistake with many email users or even admins that manage domains. I recently had the opportunity to demo the zerologon exploit and how it breaks your domain controllers in your environment. This means that Exchange will be broken as well. I...

Plan your quick Upgrade to Exchange 2010 before you miss the deadline.
As you know, October 13 2020 is approaching fast and the support for Exchange 2010 is ending. For those who are still on legacy, remember Windows 2008 R2 is not getting many or any updates anymore so you at a risk with that operating system. If you want to move to...

Exchange 2010:- Database seeding stuck in a Failed state.
For those of you still managing an Exchange 2010 environment, you might come across the error listed below. If you head over to the Exchange Management Console (EMC), you will notice it says the server is licensed. So why are we getting this error? When you license a...

Exchange 2010/2016:- Failed sending mail, #554 5.2.0 STOREDRV
In Exchange 2010/2016, you might come across a strange error as shown below when sending email: Failed to process message due to a permanent exception with message Invalid named property Solution: To fix this problem, you need to move the mailbox to another store with...