In Exchange 2010/2016, you might come across a strange error as shown below when sending email:

Failed to process message due to a permanent exception with message Invalid named property

Exchange 2010/2016:- failed sending mail, #554 5.2.0 storedrv
Exchange 2010/2016:- Failed sending mail, #554 5.2.0 STOREDRV 1


To fix this problem, you need to move the mailbox to another store with a specific switch:

  • New-MoveRequest “User” -DoNotPreserveMailboxSignature -TargetDatabase Store1
Exchange 2010/2016:- failed sending mail, #554 5.2.0 storedrv
Exchange 2010/2016:- Failed sending mail, #554 5.2.0 STOREDRV 2

Once the move has completed, you should no longer receive the delivery error above.

Hope it helps.

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