As with the RTM release of SharePoint 2013, Sharepoint 2013 SP1 has alot of prerequisites. This includes server features and additional EXE files that need to be installed before SharePoint will proceed with the install.

I created 2x scripts and 1x txt file, they are as follows:

  • Script 1 – Server features. This installs all the server features/roles needed for SharePoint. Once installed reboot your server.
  • TXT file – This includes all the .EXE files (Prerequisites) needed. Download them to a specific location.
  • Script 2 – This looks at the folder where you downloaded all the seperate .EXE files above and installs them for you. Make sure to put in the drive letter for example. D: and the folder name.

Run both Scripts from Powershell.

Here is the location on Technet to the scripts:

Hope it helps.

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