In Microsoft Operations Management Suite you have a number of Solutions you can add that you would want to monitor your environment.

Let’s take the AD Assessment for example. You can add the solution from the Solutions Gallery and let it run however once the Assessment has completed it will only run in 7 days time again. The same applies to the AD replication solution. It will report no data until it has assessed your environment.

As seen below, you get some nice dashboards once the assessment has run:

Microsoft operations management suite: solutions updating after 7 days
Microsoft Operations Management Suite: Solutions updating after 7 days 1

Challenge? or Workaround?

Okay so not all your domain controllers are showing up in the list of servers, you need to get them in so you can get the complete view of your environment.

I found a “shortcut” if you want to call it that to refresh the data within a few minutes instead of waiting the 7 days.

The way to do this is to login to your domain controller that is not showing up in the list and Navigate to the following Reg Key:

  • HKLM-System->CurrentControlSet-Services->HealthService->Parameters->Management Groups-><Operations Manager name>->Solutions->ADAssessment

If you click on ADAssessment you will see a REG_SZ value of “LastExecuted”

Change the date back 7 days and then click okay.

Now to refresh this open up a command prompt and restart the health service:

Microsoft operations management suite: solutions updating after 7 days
Microsoft Operations Management Suite: Solutions updating after 7 days 2

If you refresh your registry entry after a few minutes you will see the “LastExecuted” value has been updated.

Again wait a few minutes and refresh the OMS page and it should show the domain controller you have just completed this on.

Hope it helps.

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