In my previous blog post I noted that after upgrading to CU3 that my account was part of all the groups but could not run any commands besides a few.

Removing the account from org management made no difference.

Today, I re-ran the CU3 upgrade and all succeeded, however my account still could not do much, even though the upgrade was successful as shown below:

Exchange 2019:- cu3 with installation account?
Exchange 2019:- CU3 with installation account? 1

Decided to create a new account with the same permissions and voila, I am able to run the commands again. I think something broke when the upgrade was run but not sure, here is a snapshot of running the command:

Exchange 2019:- cu3 with installation account?
Exchange 2019:- CU3 with installation account? 2

The other account is still there, I will use it to run CU4 when it is released and see what happens.

Hope it helps.

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