(**UPDATE, CU6 Fixes this bug**)

Since upgrading to CU1, CU2 and now CU2v2 for Exchange 2013, event ID 1006 keeps getting logged with performance counter errors. My server has 600GB free space yet it complains of this. Seems like yet another bug in Exchange 2013.

I turned off these notifications, you can do so at your own will if you want. This is the error logged:

The performance counter ‘\SERVERLogicalDisk(HarddiskVolume1)Free Megabytes’ sustained a value of ‘45,297.00’, for the ’15’ minute(s) interval starting at ‘7/21/2013 5:41:00 AM’. Additional information: None. Trigger Name:DatabaseDriveSpaceTrigger. Instance:harddiskvolume4

Here is the location of the config file where you can set the value from “True” to “False”

Disable the trigger in the Microsoft.Exchange.Diagnostics.Service.exe

C:\Program Files\Microsoft\ExchangeServer\V15\Bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Diagnostics.Service.exe 

Change “ExchangeJobs.Triggers.DatabaseDriveSpaceTrigger” from “True” to “False”.

After making the change I restarted the MS Exchange Diagnostics Service and no more errors logged. This should be fixed in CU3

Hope it helps.

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