We are back with a new update, Insider Preview 19023

This one seems to be a smaller update compared to 19018 where there were a whole lot more fixes. You can checkout the Changes, Fixes and known Issues of build 19023 here.

Windows insider preview 19023

For some reason Insider Preview 19018 took a long time to update. This build 19023 actually seemed a lot smoother, maybe because there weren’t that many updates in it.

I did notice after the installation and reboots that when I pressed the start button, nothing happened. I had to do a shutdown -r and once it rebooted again then all seemed fine?

Things like search and launching of applications seemed fine. Office 2019 updates still not working on this build.

The Microsoft Store seemed to get stuck often in build 19018. I ran 3 updates on build 19023 and they updated pretty quickly. Did not experience the lag or slowness like the previous build.

Other than that, no issues to report. Will report them as I go along.

Happy Updating.


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