This new version of Windows insider was released yesterday. Here is a list of updates and fixes from the Microsoft Blog:

On the previous Windows Insider Build 18980, my machine would randomly lock up with only the window I was last working on responding. Everything else like the task bar, keyboard shortcuts etc. would not work.

The only thing that fixed it was holding down the power button to force a shutdown.

Another thing noticed on build 18980 was the fact that when you launched Windows update from Settings, it would say “checking for updates” but doesn’t actually do anything, it shows the date of the last time it checked. You have to check for updates again for it to work.

Build 18985

Windows insider preview 18985

What have I noticed so far with this build?

  • The install process seemed a lot better and smoother compared to the previous build 18980.
  • Launching Settings does not take as long as it did previously, not machine specific.
  • Checking for updates is much faster.
  • The screen snip from the Notifications area is nice and it doesn’t blank the screens out like 3rd party snipping tools.

Other than that, still early but no issues detected. No random reboots so far or blue-screens.

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