When moving providers, it is crucial to update your Autodiscover DNS records both internally and externally to avoid any account setup failures. Autodiscover is a feature in Microsoft Exchange that automatically configures email clients, such as Outlook, to connect to the correct server settings.

Understanding Autodiscover

Autodiscover simplifies the process of setting up email accounts by automatically detecting the server settings and configuring the email client accordingly. It eliminates the need for manual configuration, making it easier for users to access their email accounts.

Autodiscover relies on DNS records to function properly. These records provide the necessary information for email clients to locate and connect to the correct server. When moving providers, it is essential to update these records to ensure a smooth transition.

Updating Autodiscover DNS Records Internally

Internally, you need to update the Autodiscover DNS records on your local DNS server. This ensures that when users within your organization configure their email clients, they are directed to the correct server settings.

To update the Autodiscover DNS records internally, follow these steps:

  1. Access your local DNS server administration panel.
  2. Locate the Autodiscover DNS record for your domain.
  3. Update the record with the new server information provided by your new email provider.
  4. Save the changes and allow time for the DNS changes to propagate.

By updating the Autodiscover DNS records internally, you ensure that users within your organization can seamlessly set up their email accounts with the new provider.

Updating Autodiscover DNS Records Externally

Externally, you need to update the Autodiscover DNS records with your domain registrar or DNS hosting provider. This ensures that when users outside your organization configure their email clients, they are directed to the correct server settings.

To update the Autodiscover DNS records externally, follow these steps:

  1. Access your domain registrar or DNS hosting provider’s administration panel.
  2. Locate the Autodiscover DNS record for your domain.
  3. Update the record with the new server information provided by your new email provider.
  4. Save the changes and allow time for the DNS changes to propagate.

Updating the Autodiscover DNS records externally ensures that users outside your organization can easily set up their email accounts with the new provider.

Testing Autodiscover Configuration

After updating the Autodiscover DNS records, it is essential to test the configuration to ensure everything is working correctly. You can use the Microsoft Remote Connectivity Analyzer or other similar tools to verify that Autodiscover is functioning as expected.

Testing the Autodiscover configuration helps identify any potential issues or misconfigurations that may hinder the setup process. It allows you to address these issues promptly and ensure a smooth transition for all users.


Updating your Autodiscover DNS records internally and externally when moving providers is crucial to avoid any account setup failures. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can ensure a seamless transition and allow users within and outside your organization to easily configure their email accounts with the new provider.

Remember to always test the Autodiscover configuration after updating the DNS records to verify that everything is functioning correctly. This will help address any potential issues and ensure a smooth experience for all users.

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