Upgrade Exchange 2013 CU3 to SP1 (CU4)

Upgrade Exchange 2013 CU3 to SP1 (CU4)

Microsoft released the much awaited Service Pack 1 for Exchange 2013. The upgrade is similar to the previous CU’s. I hope the diagnostic error that has bugged exchange 2013 since release has been fixed. I have one server upgraded so we will see. Lets start....
Upgrade Exchange 2013 CU3 to SP1 (CU4)

Upgrade Exchange 2013 CU2v2 to CU3

Today MS released the much awaited CU3 for Exchange 2013. The download is 1.5GB almost as big as the previous versions. The major fix/factor here is the calendar forwarding issue that MS say has been fixed that was a problem with the release of CU2 and CU2v2. Lets...