Active Directory Setup:

  • Create 3 Accounts to be used for SharePoint:
    • SPAdmin – Used to login to Central Admin
    • SPFarm – Farm Account
    • SPServices – SharePoint services account.

Prerequisites List (SharePoint Server):

Windows Features Requirement:

Import-Module ServerManager

Add-WindowsFeature Net-Framework-Features,Web-Server,Web-WebServer,Web-Common-Http,Web-Static-Content,Web-Default-Doc,Web-Dir-Browsing,Web-Http-Errors,Web-App-Dev,Web-Asp-Net,Web-Net-Ext,Web-ISAPI-Ext,Web-ISAPI-Filter,Web-Health,Web-Http-Logging,Web-Log-Libraries,Web-Request-Monitor,Web-Http-Tracing,Web-Security,Web-Basic-Auth,Web-Windows-Auth,Web-Filtering,Web-Digest-Auth,Web-Performance,Web-Stat-Compression,Web-Dyn-Compression,Web-Mgmt-Tools,Web-Mgmt-Console,Web-Mgmt-Compat,Web-Metabase,Application-Server,AS-Web-Support,AS-TCP-Port-Sharing,AS-WAS-Support, AS-HTTP-Activation,AS-TCP-Activation,AS-Named-Pipes,AS-Net-Framework,WAS,WAS-Process-Model,WAS-NET-Environment,WAS-Config-APIs,Web-Lgcy-Scripting,Windows-Identity-Foundation,Server-Media-Foundation,Xps-Viewer –Source D:sourcessxs

Replace D: with your drive letter.

SharePoint 2013 SP1 Prerequisites:

You can download all the install files to location on your SharePoint Server and then install the files manually or run a script below to install them. (**If you want to use the GUI to download and install the prerequisites you can do so**)

Location of Files:

SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1 Native Client

Microsoft WCF Data Services 5.0

Microsoft WCF Data Services 5.6 (rename this download to WcfDataServices56.exe)

Microsoft Information Protection and Control Client (MSIPC)

Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 SP1 (x64)

Windows Identity Extensions

Windows Identity Foundation (KB974405)

Windows Server AppFabric

CU 1 for AppFabric 1.1 (KB2671763)

Install each of these files in order except for the last 2 as AppFabric requires configuration.

Open up an elevated prompt and run the following:

  • WindowsServerAppFabricSetup_x64.exe /i CacheClient”,”CachingService”,”CacheAdmin /gac

Once that is done then install CU1 for AppFabric.

Restart your server once all this is done.

If you want to use a script to install the files rather than doing it manually then run the following:

**Change the <Drive> entry to where you downloaded all the files to**

$SharePoint2013SP1Path = “<Drive>SharePoint2013SP1Install”

Start-Process “$SharePoint2013SP1PathPrerequisiteInstaller.exe”

–ArgumentList “/SQLNCli:$SharePoint2013SP1PathPrerequisiteInstallerFilessqlncli.msi







Install SQL Server:

Double Click the setup file in the SQL install directory.

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SharePoint 2013 SP1 Installation with local SQL 2012 DB 1
  • Click on the Installation link/button.
  • Now select “New SQL Server stand-Alone installation or add features to an existing installation link.
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SharePoint 2013 SP1 Installation with local SQL 2012 DB 2
  • The Setup Support Rules screen will show, click Ok to continue.
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  • Enter your product key that you got from your MS reseller or enter your TechNet license and click Next.
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  • Accept the license terms checkbox and then click Next.
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  • Let SQL download any updates by selecting the checkbox above and then click Next.
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  • Progress screen will show while downloading and installing the updates.
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  • Splash screen will appear before the next SQL screen comes up.
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  • The Setup and Support Rules will run, if there are any failures you will need to address those before you can continue. With this installation it was only giving a warning about the windows firewall. Click Next.
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SharePoint 2013 SP1 Installation with local SQL 2012 DB 9
  • Choose the option above and then click Next.
  • Select the following features:
    • Database Engine Services
    • Client Tools Connectivity
    • Client Tools Backwards Compability
    • Management Tools – Basic
  • Click Next.
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  • Review the status of each option above, if there are failures then address those first before you continue. Click Next to continue.
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  • Select the default instance and click Next.
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  • On the disk space requirements page, review the summary and click next.
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  • Enter in the accounts that we setup in the beginning and then click Next.
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  • Select Mixed mode and then enter in the SA password.
  • Also click the “Add Current User” button and add in the user we created above. Click Next.
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  • If you want to send report to MS then click the checkbox and click Next.
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  • Review the installation rules and address any failures if there are and click Next.
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  • Click the Install button to start the installation.
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  • Installation of SQL complete. Click the close button.
  • Login to SQL Management Studio now and grant the SPAdmin the DB_Creator and Security_Admin Rights.
  • Close SQL Management Studio.

Install SharePoint 2013:

Open up Explorer and go to the SharePoint ISO and double click the setup file. We are going to install SharePoint server.

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  • Enter in your product key and wait for it to be verified. Click the Continue button.
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  • Accept the license agreement and click the Continue button.
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  • Select Complete as we are going to be doing a full installation. Click the Install Now button.
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  • The installation takes a little while, depending on your hardware.
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  • Finalization screen.
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  • Setup is now complete. Click the Close button.

Configure SharePoint 2013

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  • Press the windows key and the click on SharePoint 2013 Products Configuration.
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  • Click Next to start the configuration wizard.
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  • The splash screen above will show, click yes to stop the services and continue the setup.
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  • Accept the default settings or enter in a database server (I removed my name from the screen shot)
  • Select the first option “Do no disconnect from this server farm” and click Next.
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  • You can specify a port number as above or accept the one assigned. Select your Security settings and then click Next.
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  • Review your selection and then click the Next button to start the configuration/installation.
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  • Installation progress.
  • Step 2 takes a few minutes and then the rest of the steps go pretty quickly.
  • Step 9 and 10 also take some time. Just be patient for the install to finish.
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  • Configuration successful. Copy the URL for Central Administration and paste it in a web browser to start the configuration of SharePoint 2013 in your environment.

Advanced configuration SharePoint 2013

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  • Select the option that suites you and click Ok.
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  • Central Administration Webpage.
  • Now you can setup your search services, user profile services and creating or managing your websites.

Hope it helps.

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