Today I went to check and download windows updates and I use a tool called the Configuration Manager Trace Log Tool to read the WSYNCMGR.LOG file.

I noticed the sync started and then just hangs, after a while an error is presented:

Sccm 2012 wsus sync failed: the operation has timed out.

I went and checked the WSUS service and it was stopped, in my attempt to start it I was presented with the following error:

  • Could not start the WSUS service on local computer. Error 193: 0xc1

Sccm 2012 wsus sync failed: the operation has timed out.

I saw after a reboot Windows was complaining about a file rename and under the root of C: I had this file called program.

Upon renaming and deleting it I was able to start the WSUS service. After that I ran “Syncronize Software Updates” from SCCM and the error was gone.

Hope it helps.

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