This guide shows you the steps for installing Rollup 3 for Exchange 2010 SP2.

Exchange 2010 SP2 RU3 Installation:

Download the file from Microsoft Site:

Install exchange 2010 sp2 ru3

  • Double click the file you downloaded, the following window will come up, click the Next button.

Install exchange 2010 sp2 ru3

  • Accept the license terms and then click Next.

Install exchange 2010 sp2 ru3

  • While the service prepares the assemblies you will see the above splash. This process can take a while to run before you can start.

Install exchange 2010 sp2 ru3

  • Once completed, you can now start with the installation. Click Next.

Install exchange 2010 sp2 ru3

  • Beginning of the installation.

Install exchange 2010 sp2 ru3

  • The setup will stop the exchange services, this can take a few minutes.

Install exchange 2010 sp2 ru3

  • Copying files.

Install exchange 2010 sp2 ru3

  • Creating assemblies, this part will also take some time.

Install exchange 2010 sp2 ru3

  • Installation still busy..

Install exchange 2010 sp2 ru3

  • Once completed the installation will start the exchange services.

Install exchange 2010 sp2 ru3

  • Installation completing.

Install exchange 2010 sp2 ru3

  • Installation now complete. You can click Finish and then reboot your server.

Hope it helps.

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