In Exchange 2013 there might come a time when you need to grant full access to a users mailbox. A PA might need access to his/her managers mailbox or another user needs access to a mailbox. In this example we will show you how to grant access using the Exchange Admin Center and the Exchange Management Shell.

Grant Access from the Exchange Management Shell:

Grant full access permission to a mailbox in exchange 2013
Grant Full Access Permission to a Mailbox in Exchange 2013 1
  • Step 1 -> Click on Recipients
  • Step 2 -> Click on Mailboxes
  • Step 3 -> Click on the mailbox where you want to grant access.

Once you have located the mailbox you can double click it or click on the pencil.

Grant full access permission to a mailbox in exchange 2013
Grant Full Access Permission to a Mailbox in Exchange 2013 2
  • Once you have the properties window open for the user, the general page will show.
  • Click on the mailbox delegation tab on the bottom right.
  • Now click the + button under Full Access.
Grant full access permission to a mailbox in exchange 2013
Grant Full Access Permission to a Mailbox in Exchange 2013 3
  • Once you click the + button the window above will show.
  • Select the user that you want to have full access and either double click the user account or select it and then click on the add -> button. this will insert the account into the text box highlighted.
  • Once done click the ok button.
Grant full access permission to a mailbox in exchange 2013
Grant Full Access Permission to a Mailbox in Exchange 2013 4
  • As shown above the user you just selected now shows in the box of users that has full access.
  • Click the Save button for the change to be applied.
  • A Please Wait… mini splash screen will appear while the changes are applying.
  • Once complete you will return to the screen where all the mailbox are.

Granting Full Access using the Exchange Management Shell:

  • Add-MailboxPermission -Identity Test_User2 -User Test_User1 -AccessRights FullAccess

Hope it helps.

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