Microsoft released Exchange Server 2016 CU6 a few days ago.

In this tutorial we will go through the steps of running the upgrade. For a list of fixes etc. you can refer to the link below:

Take note that there is a Schema update in this CU. Let’s proceed..

We have included a number of screenshots, not all of them but you can see in Step 1 the install the Organization Preparation is done (Schema Update). You should run the command setup /PrepareAD and /PrepareSchema before proceeding with the installation. We ran the PrepareAD command already but wanted to show you the install does the Schema upgrade before it proceeds.

Exchange 2016 - upgrade to cu6
Exchange 2016 - Upgrade to CU6 1
Exchange 2016 - upgrade to cu6
Exchange 2016 - Upgrade to CU6 2
Exchange 2016 - upgrade to cu6
Exchange 2016 - Upgrade to CU6 3
Exchange 2016 - upgrade to cu6
Exchange 2016 - Upgrade to CU6 4
Exchange 2016 - upgrade to cu6
Exchange 2016 - Upgrade to CU6 5
Exchange 2016 - upgrade to cu6
Exchange 2016 - Upgrade to CU6 6
Exchange 2016 - upgrade to cu6
Exchange 2016 - Upgrade to CU6 7
Exchange 2016 - upgrade to cu6
Exchange 2016 - Upgrade to CU6 8
Exchange 2016 - upgrade to cu6
Exchange 2016 - Upgrade to CU6 9
Exchange 2016 - upgrade to cu6
Exchange 2016 - Upgrade to CU6 10

After about 1.5 hours the upgrade completed.

Post installation, opening outlook and my test client successfully connected without issue:

Exchange 2016 - upgrade to cu6
Exchange 2016 - Upgrade to CU6 11

Hope it helps.

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