In your Exchange 2016 environment you might come across the following event ID constantly logged in the application log, EventID 1023,Perflib:

  • “Windows cannot load the extensible counter DLL MSExchangeIS. The first four bytes (DWORD) of the Data section contains the Windows error code.”
Exchange 2016 - event 1023,perflib
Exchange 2016 - Event 1023,Perflib 1


As we are running in Coexistence in this lab, you need to navigate to the setup files or the Exchange directory and copy a few files to your Exchange 2016 Server:

  • “\setup\serverroles\common\perf\amd64” OR
  • “\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange\V14\Bin\perf\AMD64”

Now locate the following files:

  • md*
  • perfnm.h
Exchange 2016 - event 1023,perflib
Exchange 2016 - Event 1023,Perflib 2

Copy all these files above to the following location on your Exchange 2016 Server:

  • “\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange\V15\Bin\perf\AMD64”

If you load PerfMon now and open MSExchangeIS you should be able to view the counters.

Hope it helps.

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