The October 2022 security updates for the different Exchange versions are out and it is advisable to update your servers. In my lab, I am running different versions of Exchange servers but I updated my 2019 Exchange servers today.

I added a few screenshots to show you the lifecycle of the update as some people have reached out to me asking if the updates are stuck and doing anything.

You can head over to the Exchange Team Blog and read about what has been resolved in this SU for October 2022, here is the link below:

Exchange 2016/2019 :- apply the october 2022 security update
Exchange 2016/2019 :- Apply the October 2022 Security update 1
Exchange 2016/2019 :- apply the october 2022 security update
Exchange 2016/2019 :- Apply the October 2022 Security update 2
Exchange 2016/2019 :- apply the october 2022 security update
Exchange 2016/2019 :- Apply the October 2022 Security update 3
Exchange 2016/2019 :- apply the october 2022 security update
Exchange 2016/2019 :- Apply the October 2022 Security update 4
Exchange 2016/2019 :- apply the october 2022 security update
Exchange 2016/2019 :- Apply the October 2022 Security update 5
Exchange 2016/2019 :- apply the october 2022 security update
Exchange 2016/2019 :- Apply the October 2022 Security update 6
Exchange 2016/2019 :- apply the october 2022 security update
Exchange 2016/2019 :- Apply the October 2022 Security update 7
Exchange 2016/2019 :- apply the october 2022 security update
Exchange 2016/2019 :- Apply the October 2022 Security update 8
Exchange 2016/2019 :- apply the october 2022 security update
Exchange 2016/2019 :- Apply the October 2022 Security update 9

Don’t forget to reboot your server to apply the changes.

Hope it helps

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