In Exchange 2013 you no longer have the CAS Array option. If you are running an F5 or any other load balancer you can create iRules that work very smartly with your Exchange Servers. From taking them off the load balancer if there is an issue or if you doing maintenance you can mark it as not being available so clients won’t be disrupted to bleeding off connections.

In this example we will look at simply creating an application service, it is a series of questions to answer and everything gets setup for you, this includes POP/IMAP services, Outlook anywhere, Active Sync and AD.

Before we begin, make sure you have the latest set of iRules installed on your F5 available from them.

Launch your F5 login page and navigate to iApps and click on Application Services.

Exchange 2013 - f5 application services setup
Exchange 2013 - F5 Application Services Setup 1

As shown above, the Application Services screen.

Exchange 2013 - f5 application services setup
Exchange 2013 - F5 Application Services Setup 2

Firstly click on application services, then click the create button on the top right hand side.

The above screen will show, give your iApp a name and then from the Template, select the new one you imported.

Once you select the template a new window as shown below will appear.

Exchange 2013 - f5 application services setup
Exchange 2013 - F5 Application Services Setup 3

I would advise to enable the inline help as it explains everything in nice detail. The page is quite long but should take you about 5-10 minutes to complete.

Exchange 2013 - f5 application services setup
Exchange 2013 - F5 Application Services Setup 4

Some more of the questions asked.

Exchange 2013 - f5 application services setup
Exchange 2013 - F5 Application Services Setup 5

Once you get to the end and happy with all the answers, click the Finished button.

Exchange 2013 - f5 application services setup
Exchange 2013 - F5 Application Services Setup 6

Once its finished you will see your new iApp as shown above. If you click on the link highlighted it will give you all the information you just added in the page and show you if your servers are online etc.

Exchange 2013 - f5 application services setup
Exchange 2013 - F5 Application Services Setup 7

If we now click on Local Traffic -> Pools we will see all the Pools that the iApp created for us.

Hope it helps.

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