Installing Exchange 2010 SP3 Rollups can be a straight forward task or you can end up with a server that just won’t install the updates.

For Example, installing Exchange 2010 SP3 Rollup 14, the install is run from an elevated command prompt, the assemblies create fine but as soon as the setup starts it fails with a premature error. In the event log the following is shown, Event ID 1024:

Exchange 2010 sp3 rollup 14: installation ended prematurely
Exchange 2010 SP3 Rollup 14: Installation ended prematurely 1

You can run the setup again using the /lx switch and specify where to generate a log. The log file is pretty detailed and can be overwhelming to find the error.

The first step to checking things is to ensure that PowerShell Execution policies on the server.
Open up an elevated PowerShell window and run the following command:

  • Get-ExecutionPolicy -list
Exchange 2010 sp3 rollup 14: installation ended prematurely
Exchange 2010 SP3 Rollup 14: Installation ended prematurely 2

This will tell you if you have any GPO’s or if Execution Polices have been set. This can hamper the install of Exchange.

So far all looks fine. The next thing to look at is Winmgmt. Restoring this can also solve the issue.

From an elevated PowerShell prompt type the following command:

  • Get-Service Winmgmt | Set-Service –StartupType Automatic; Get-Service Winmgmt | Start-Service

After this do a reboot of the server, re-run the Rollup from an elevated prompt and it should complete:

Hope it helps.

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