Important Note about Installing Exchange 2010 SP2:

Exchange 2010 SP2 will update your existing schema by itself as part of the installation in the same way that Exchange 2010 SP1 did. Your account will need to be part of Enterprise/Schema Admins group to carry out the change.

Let’s Upgrade Exchange to SP2:

Navigate to the directory where you got your SP2 install files. Before installing SP2 I ran through the pre-requisites for SP2 as to not getting the error message below that some features are missing:

The ‘IIS 6 WMI Capability’ component is required. Install the component via Server Manager

This site can also be referenced for this:

As I only have one server with all the roles installed (CAS, HT and MB) due to limited funds.

Once the content of SP2 has been extracted to a folder, mine is on the D: drive, if you double click Setup the screen below will appear. Click on “Install Microsoft Exchange Server Upgrade” to start the upgrade.

  •  The Introduction Screen is displayed as below, click on the Next button.

Exchange 2010 sp2 upgrade
  •  Select the radio button “I accept the terms in the license agreement” and click Next.

Exchange 2010 sp2 upgrade
  •  The next step is to go through the readiness check as shown below.

Exchange 2010 sp2 upgrade
  •  Once all the checks have completed you can click on the upgrade button.

Exchange 2010 sp2 upgrade
  • The Installation will now update the Schema and load the necessary binaries.

Exchange 2010 sp2 upgrade
  • Once setup finishes you can then click on the Finish button.

Exchange 2010 sp2 upgrade
  •  After Installation the exchange services need to be restarted, i prefer rebooting my server.
  • One thing i did notice was i could not receive email from the internet as Anonymous Users was unticked on the permissions tab. I re-enabled this and everything was back to normal.

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