Environment Requirements:

  • The Domain and Forest Level shall be minimum set to be Windows Server 2003.
  • There should be at least one domain Controller which is set as a Global Catalog.
  • The User account running the installation should be part of these groups:
    • Domain Admins
    • Schema Admins
    • Enterprise Admins.


Software needed:

Feature Pack.

Exchange 2010 SP1.


Installing Roles and Features:

Open up PowerShell As Administrator and run the following command:

Exchange 2010 installation step-by-step

After that copy and paste the below command and let the roles and features install, the sever will reboot afterwards:

Add-WindowsFeature NET-Framework,RSAT-ADDS,Web-Server,Web-Basic-Auth,Web-Windows-Auth,Web-Metabase,Web-Net-Ext,Web-Lgcy-Mgmt-Console,WAS-Process-Model,RSAT-Web-Server,Web-ISAPI-Ext,Web-Digest-Auth,Web-Dyn-Compression,NET-HTTP-Activation,RPC-Over-HTTP-Proxy –Restart

Installing Exchange 2010 SP1:

Exchange 2010 installation step-by-step

  • Open up the exchange 2010 media and double click the setup.
  • Step 1 -> click on language option.

Exchange 2010 installation step-by-step

  • Step 1 -> click on the above link to install the language files.

Exchange 2010 installation step-by-step

  • Step 1 -> Click on the link above to install Exchange 2010.

Exchange 2010 installation step-by-step

  • This is the start of the Exchange 2010 Installation.
  • Step 1 -> Click Next to begin.

Exchange 2010 installation step-by-step

  • Step 1 -> Accept the License Agreement.
  • Step 2 -> Click Next.

Exchange 2010 installation step-by-step

  • Step 1 -> Make your selection about error reporting and then click Next.

Exchange 2010 installation step-by-step

  • Step 1 -> We will be doing a Typical Exchange Server Installation.
  • Step 2 -> Make sure the checkbox is selected.
  • Step 3 -> Click Next.

Exchange 2010 installation step-by-step

  • Step 1 -> Specify the name of the Exchange Organization.
  • Step 2 -> Click Next.

Exchange 2010 installation step-by-step

  • Step 1 -> If this CAS is internet facing then enable the checkbox and enter in your domain name.
  • Step 2 -> Click Next.

Exchange 2010 installation step-by-step

  • Step 1 -> Make your selection, in this installation we chose to join the CEIP and the industry is shown above.

Exchange 2010 installation step-by-step

  • Readiness checks starting.

Exchange 2010 installation step-by-step

  • Once the Readiness Checks are complete you will see the screen above. Take note of the warning that you cannot bring in Exchange 2003/2007 Servers.
  • Step 1 -> Click Install.

Exchange 2010 installation step-by-step

  • Installation in progress.

Exchange 2010 installation step-by-step

  • The installation is now complete. You can choose to Finalize the install by selecting the checkbox as shown above or not selecting it and clicking Finish.

Exchange 2010 installation step-by-step

  • The following box will show, it is advisable to reboot the server.
  • Step 1 -> Click Ok.

Hope it helps.

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