In Exchange 2010 SP3 lately when you click the Send Connector Tab it gives an error “Force Closed.”

At that time Event ID 4 is logged in Event Viewer under Application Logs and Services -> MSExchange Management.

Below is a list of my findings:
IISRESET: IIS restart is not really an option as you take down all pools and drops connectivity to clients. Event ID 4 is logged with the warning “Cmdlet Stopped” for the Get-SendConnector.
I can reproduce this error on any of the rollups(8v2 to latest RU) on Exchange 2010 SP3. Exchange is installed on Server 2008 R2. Installing the management tools on another 2008 R2 server gives the same error – Force Close – on the send connector tab.
I then installed the management tools on Server 2012 and 2012 R2 (note Exchange itself is not supported on 2012 R2) but for testing i cannot reproduce this issue. It might be a windows update or something on the OS on 2008 R2 that is causing it where it might be fixed in Server 2012.
Take note that i don’t have any backup software installed and my server 2008 and 2012 servers (CAS role only) have the same AV with exclusions set by SCCM.
Lastly as a side note, loading of the EMC on server 2012 is 10 times quicker than 2008 R2 without the certificate revocation work around on the Technet blogs.
The only thing is to log this with Microsoft to see if they can find anything.
Hope it helps.