
Exchange 2010 EMC works fine until a day when you launch it and get the error as shown below:

Exchange 2010: exchange management console (emc) initialization failed.
Exchange 2010: Exchange Management Console (EMC) Initialization failed. 1

There are 2 steps to fix this and a workaround to troubleshoot further.


Step 1 is to open up the registry and navigate to the following key:

  • HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Exchangeserver\v14\AdminTools\NodeStructureSettings

Under the NodeStructureSettings key delete the value NodeStructureSettings (shown below)

Exchange 2010: exchange management console (emc) initialization failed.
Exchange 2010: Exchange Management Console (EMC) Initialization failed. 2

Step 2 is to remove the cached information under the user directory:

  • C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\MMC
Exchange 2010: exchange management console (emc) initialization failed.
Exchange 2010: Exchange Management Console (EMC) Initialization failed. 3

After you have completed these 2 steps then try launch the EMC again. If it still fails you can continue to the workaround and carry on troubleshooting.


Launch the EMC again and click on Microsoft Exchange in the top left hand corner. You will see an option “Add Exchange Forest…”, click on this, a new window will appear.

Enter in a name and then under the url you can enter the following:

  • http://FQDN ServerName/PowerShell
Exchange 2010: exchange management console (emc) initialization failed.
Exchange 2010: Exchange Management Console (EMC) Initialization failed. 4

Once you click the OK button you can now click on the name you just gave and you should see the following:

Exchange 2010: exchange management console (emc) initialization failed.
Exchange 2010: Exchange Management Console (EMC) Initialization failed. 5

The EMC is now getting all the information for the current user. Once done you should be able to browse the EMC like before:

Exchange 2010: exchange management console (emc) initialization failed.
Exchange 2010: Exchange Management Console (EMC) Initialization failed. 6

Hope it helps.

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