Many organizations are still running Exchange 2010 and if you follow the blogs Microsoft advised to upgrade to the latest RU to fix a number of things.

The installation is pretty simple, download RU26 and copy it to a folder where your installs are, like C:\Installs

Right click the file and unblock it before proceeding.

Now launch an elevated command prompt and navigate to the Installs folder and launch the setup.

Exchange 2010:- apply rollup 26
Exchange 2010:- Apply Rollup 26 1

The setup has to go few some things before you will be presented with the Next button. Once it enables, click Next.

Exchange 2010:- apply rollup 26
Exchange 2010:- Apply Rollup 26 2

Accept the license terms and click Next..

Exchange 2010:- apply rollup 26
Exchange 2010:- Apply Rollup 26 3

This step does take a while as it prepares the assemblies, just be patient, the next button will appear once done.

Exchange 2010:- apply rollup 26
Exchange 2010:- Apply Rollup 26 4

The setup will then go through stopping services and copying files before updating all the .DLL files.

Exchange 2010:- apply rollup 26
Exchange 2010:- Apply Rollup 26 5

Once all is done, you will get the screen above. Click Finish and then reboot the server.

Hope it helps.

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