**You can now install .NET 4.7.2 when you upgrade to CU11 for Exchange 2016, it is not a requirement though for installation**

Exchange and .NET Framework, this is a common subject that comes up a lot, across many forums.

Exchange in general works with “most” versions of .NET Framework, however you get releases like .NET 4.7 and now the latest one .NET 4.7.2 which is not supported on any version of Exchange and installing it can/will potentially bring down a server or it will stop mail flow.

The best thing is to follow the link below on the support matrix for Exchange, it will list what is supported to install. With each CU/RU that Microsoft release, they will advise what will work and what won’t.

Support Matrix

I have noticed customers just installing .NET 4.7.2 and then say that OWA or mail-flow is not working.

If you are not sure about a version of .NET, please reach out to the community to find out first before attempting the install.

Hope it helps.

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