DPM 2012 SP1 Installation with local SQL 2012 DB.

 Active Directory Setup:

  • Create 2 groups, one for your DPM admins and one for SQL.
  • Add the user account that is going to administer DPM and SQL to the groups you created above.

Prerequisites List (DPM Server):

  • Install Server 2012 OS
  • Join server to the domain
  • Install all windows updates so the server is fully patched.
  • Add the DPM Admin group that you created above to the Local Administrators Group on the DPM server.

Windows Features Requirement:

  • You need to install .NET 3.5, you can do so by selecting using the GUI of Server Manager or running it from powershell, remember you need to select a source. Replace D: with your drive letter.

Add-WindowsFeature NET-Framework-Core –source D:sourcessxs

Install SQL Server

Dpm 2012 sp1 installation with sql 2012 (local)

  • Install the features as selected above, optionally you can install the Management tools.

Dpm 2012 sp1 installation with sql 2012 (local)

  • Select a Named Instance, I choose to give it a name that is easily identified, for example HODPM (I removed the name from the screenshot)

Dpm 2012 sp1 installation with sql 2012 (local)

  • Here you need to specify a domain account to use, if this is sandbox installation then a local account is fine. E.G. for the Account name: Domainusername

Dpm 2012 sp1 installation with sql 2012 (local)

  • Select your Authentication method, if you want to use Mixed Mode then to provide a password for the SA account (from experience if this server is hosted on the internet, rather create another account and set a strong password as SA accounts on the Internet are vulnerable)
  • Add in your account or the account that will administrator SQL (as created in Step 1 when the AD accounts and groups were setup)

 Install DPM 2012 SP1

  • Mount the DPM media.
  • I normally right click the install and select “Run As Administrator”

Dpm 2012 sp1 installation with sql 2012 (local)

  • Select “Use an existing instance of SQL Server” and then type in the name of your SQL Instance: YourDPMServerNameYourSQLInstance, click on Check Again.
  • If the connection was successful the “Next” button is not greyed out anymore as shown below.
  • If there are any warnings it will show in the details section. You might get warnings for memory or firewall etc.

Dpm 2012 sp1 installation with sql 2012 (local)

Dpm 2012 sp1 installation with sql 2012 (local)

  • On the installation Settings screen you can modify where DPM will be installed or accept the defaults and then click the Next button.

Dpm 2012 sp1 installation with sql 2012 (local)

  • Review the Summary and then click Install.

Dpm 2012 sp1 installation with sql 2012 (local)

  • Once the installation completes it will show as above.

 **Bug with the install ?**

Dpm 2012 sp1 installation with sql 2012 (local)

  • If you get the above error just re-launch the setup and it will be fine.

Hope it helps.

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