On October 1, 2021, I wrote about Basic authentication in my TechGenix blog post and I wanted to remind everyone that the deadline is approaching fast when this will be turned off. Here is the TechGenix Post:


Microsoft have provided a new post on TechCommunity advising on this as well and are requiring everyone still using legacy protocols such as POP/IMAP/EWS,EAS etc, to start moving to modern authentication as soon as possible.

You can read about the May 2022 post here:


Please take note that you should not wait until October to start dealing with this. That is too late. Start putting together a list of items that need to be dealt with. Some examples might be as follows:

  • Using older mobile devices that do not support Modern Auth and only work with the legacy protocol, ActiveSync.
  • Using ticketing systems that only work with IMAP or POP as an example with no support for Modern Auth.
  • Programming languages connecting to Exchange Online using EWS.

In a series of Videos, Blog Posts etc, coming soon, I will go through many of these scenarios and show you how to firstly check what devices are connecting to your Tenant using legacy protocols and how to start updating them to use Modern Authentication instead of Basic Authentication. Some systems will need to be updated unfortunately and that is why you need time to plan your upgrades and allow business to be aware of all these changes and prepare everyone for what is coming.

Keep a look out for more information on Basic Authentication!

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